Sunday, June 23, 2019

Animal Farm

If you have not read the book Animal Farm you need to. I read it periodically to remind me that we are closer and closer to the book.

So you all know about that knitting website which shall not be named.  Seems pajama boy and his snowflakes just can't stand to abide by the First Amendment and this has happened. Seems like his inclusiveness does not include anyone who supports the POTUS.  What a bunch of little cry babies.  You may remember in 2008 this happened to the McCain supporters who were removed from that place because of the snowflakes and their fawning love for their annointed one.  They got pajama boy to remove almost everyone from the group. Now we see shades of this only worse.  One lady created a Trump 2020 hat and the snowflakes were so upset that it got removed, yet the F Trump and the Trump voodoo dolls and much worse than that are allowed to remain.  Where are my rights as a conservative knitter, well they simply don't exist because the "pigs" (reference to Animal Farm) are in charge and the whole website has become a political shit hole, not a place for knitters and crocheters to gather and enjoy the craft. 

In fact the left has gone so far over the edge it is hard to enjoy the craft anymore.  There are so many designers, yarn dyers, etc out there that are spewing the left bullshit that there is hardly anyone to get a pattern or yarn from. I realize the number of conservative versus left is small but we do have money and we do spend a lot on our craft.  It is your loss. 

So this happened this morning.

To say I am pissed is putting it mildly.  I could care less what they think of me, but they are denying me my First Amendment rights when they are allowed to use theirs and then some.  IF you think the country  is divided because of Trump you are so wrong.  The left is doing this because it is one of their steps to making our great country one where only the elite rule the rest of us.  Wake up sheeple if they can destroy a knitting website, what will they do to our country.

1 comment:

Undine said...

I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw that this morning. I knew the owners of that site were angry lefties, but this is just completely fascist. Talk about intolerant!

This is a frightening preview of what the left will do to us if they ever get power again.