Saturday, March 23, 2019

Week 9 Texture

Week 9 starts the chapter on texture.  It is everywhere, all around us.  Yesterday I saw pansies out at Menard's and had to have a 6 pack. I know we are still in for that one last snow storm but the need to get out in the dirt is calling to me, so planting a pack of flowers and having a splash of color in the garden is just what I need. The catnip is growing and it is so strong when it first starts growing, and the cats love it.  They get used to the daily dose of catnip Spring through Fall.

There is just something about playing in the dirt that makes you feel good. The feel of sunshine hitting you on the back and knowing that the annuals are starting their new year and the seeds that will be planted in a couple of months.  Each one has a different texture.

In this chapter she says you should buy the most expensive yarn you can afford.  She leans towards the slick and hairy yarns.  I don't like the hairy yarns - mohair, angora, etc.  I prefer I Love This Cotton for baby items.  It gets softer the more it is washed but there is a lot of lint.  I do prefer certain wools for my sweaters, not only for the feel but also the way a pattern or cable looks made in it. 

I have a long hair cat whose fur is like silk.  My short hairs also have very soft hair but not like the long hair.  There is also the feel of squeaky fresh washed hair that has just been conditioned. 

I dont like carpet, I prefer wood floors, the squeaky clean after being washed and the fact that I can slide across the floor.  Same with tile. But then I prefer them mostly for how clean my house feels.  With 3 cats there is a lot of hair and my allergies don't like carpet either.

I have a lot of texture in my house, the brick fire place, the tile, wood and carpeted floors, the suede paint in the living room, the various houseplants, the fibers in fabric and yarn.  There is nothing better than flannel sheets in the winter.

Many won't eat certain foods because of the texture. That has never bothered me but to many it does.

Texture like color is in the eye of the beholder.  The author starts the chapter talking about many today don't understand what texture means to a person because they are so hooked up to their electronics that they don't feel the world around them.  That is so sad because the textures that surround us can make a day better.  Go out in the world and feel your way around it.