Friday, March 01, 2019

Week 7 Colour

** With craft supplies are you the use-it-up and wear-it-out kind of gal or thoroughly modern and more excited by the new styles and things on offer?

** Is there a project in your home which you made a while ago that’s lost its appeal due to your own ‘moving on’ with regards to colour and style? Would you consider re-making it in the colours you love for this season of life?

** Last week and this week we've read and thought a lot about colour. Are you looking at the way you use colour in your creative pursuits any differently? 

** Jane's quite adventurous and open to trying a variety of colour combos and styles even when they're not what she'd normally go for - would you describe yourself that way or are you 'shy' when it comes to change?
This week is more color.  I love color the brighter the better.  Winter here is too dark and gray, we can go for weeks without sun and if you have splashes of color in the home it makes it a wee bit better.   The author knit one pillow 10 different ways using 2 colors each.  Some of the colors I liked and thought I might never put them together to wear but in an accessory I would so do this.  Some of the colors made the dots stand out where others they were more recessed.  

I have several afghans made from scraps from projects.  You pick up a ball and crochet til it runs out and pretty soon you have all these little balls of yarn used.  I have a big tub full of little balls from making slipppers for charity that I am gonna work up into scrap rugs to put in front of the garage door when i come in.  It can be machine washed and dried and when it is too ratty it can be pitched.  
I often wish designers would quit coming up with new things because I have not used all I have already.  I need to get busy and try to use up all my stuff before I am gone.  I have recycled some things and depending on the mood I am I get tired of stuff and recycle it.

I did not care at all for the quilt she made from the very mix-matched color.  I looked at it and thought oh dear.  But that is the great thing about color, everyone has their favorites and they way they pair them and it is ok.  We are each unique individuals and our crafts are as well.

We have had  a lot of snow and cold weather this winter, much more than normal and I find myself going to my bright colored yarns to work  with just to feel a little better about the dark gray winter days with snow that never melts and gets covered by the next storm.  

With an impending snow storm this weekend I think I need to find the brightest yarn I have and work on a summer project.