Saturday, March 23, 2019

Week 8 Colour

* What have you learned about yourself and the colours you naturally gravitate towards over the past three weeks?

* Are you experimenting with new styles/colours which until now you'd not considered using or wearing?

* What changes might you make with regards to colour in your crafts, home and personal style over the coming year?
The last of the colour chapter is about putting colors together that you think twice about, for instance would you put bright pink and yellow together.  Maybe, maybe not, but side by side they are not a bad  color combination.  
I find that colors do affect my mood.  A dark cloudy day can make me want to do nothing and want to hibernate in the basement.  A sunny day no matter the temperature makes me want to get up and get a ton of things done.  Wearing color is the same way. I wear a lot of black and gray in the winter it is cloudy here a lot and it just kind of fits the mood.  I wore bright pink the other day on a very cold day and I felt better. I need to wear the bright colors more in the winter.  
When I first started taking the wallpaper off the walls in my house I tended towards more muted colors on the main level where people would see my rooms.  Now I am who cares what others think it is my house and I am brightening up the downstairs as the upstairs with turquoise, yellow, etc.  
There are a lot of colors out there, pick what you like and learn to maybe pull in the others, you never know what your color combination might be and how much you might actually like it.