Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Week 5 Playtime

This week I’d love for you to share in the comments below the domestic themed movies or shows which have touched your heart over the years, the ones you go back to or have taken inspiration from.
It may be an entire movie or a television series, but perhaps it's one special episode or scene - what was it that made such an impression on you?
The author talks about when she had children all the rules kind of went out the window.  Creativity grows in children unless it is stifled.  They make up words for things and you have a language between you and the kids that no one else understands.  You mix foods you would never have thought of but they want to try different flavors together so you do. 

The author lists several movies that have inspired her.  I love Blue Bloods not only for Tom Selleck and those beautiful cable sweaters he wears, but the family always has a meal together along with a prayer.  When I was kid we always said a prayer even when we went out in public.  It was just something we automatically did.  I like that they allow that family meal with prayer to be in every show.

I love Doris Day movies.  Pillow Talk and Please Don't Eat The Daisies are my top favs.  They don't really inspire me but I always loved the clothes she wore in those movies.  I have seen everyone and several many times.  My mom calls me and says Doris Day movie on channel whatever.  When I find a Doris Day movie marathon I set to record them and watch them when I have a snow day or need to veg for a couple hours and escape.
Sometimes in the Summer I watch the neighbor boys, they are in grade school and get out of Summer School at 3. I walk down to the corner and get them from the bus.  We always have a snack and sometimes what we eat is pretty weird and we always have popsicles.  We often go to Dollar Tree and the Library and find things to do when we get home from whatever we got.  They love to finger paint and so we put down plastic and just have fun. If we make a mess it does not matter, pictures are laid out in the garage to dry and half go home and half go on my fridge.  They are a lot of fun and remind me that is good to just let go and have fun at times.