Sunday, February 17, 2019

Round 1

We are in the middle of 4 rounds of winter weather events.  Our first one poured snow and I had a little over 3 1/2" of snow.  It was a very dry powder which can pack in the tread of the tires and make it really slick.  Outside of my kitchen window I can watch the cars get stuck trying to go up the hill.  It was a real mess.

 Sunrise the next morning.
 I have the best neighbors. He snowblows my drive and sidewalk. He got a new snowblower for Christmas and loves to play with it. 
 The deer were out overnight messing up my perfect snow.

 This is BigBoy, my big gray feral tom.  He is so sweet, he has taken to laying in the front flower bed during the day time. Some day I will bring him in.
 Several cars stuck going up the hill.
Since someone is out of the car not sure is this was an accident.