Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Round 3

Can we be done with Winter already?  Enough of this crap.  Round 3 hit yesterday with 3" of heavy wet snow on my deck.  This is what they call a heart attack snow, it wears you out to shovel within 5 minutes.  My dad's cardiologist was on TV today and said anyone over 60 should not be shovelling snow.  Well my deck needs to be cleaned but I just get to shove it under the rail.  Love that my deck guy did that so I can scoop it off onto the ground below.

We have some guy in a pickup with some big piece of equipment on a trailor stuck at the entrance of my cul de sac.  You all do know when you enter my street it says DEAD END, did you think you could turn that thing around in the cul de sac behind me. Some people, here's your sign.

My neighbors left their car open overnight, whoops.  They aren't real bright anyway.

 The deer were up again over night looking for food.