Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Ugh! Oprah Shows Her Arrogance AGAIN!

This morning driving to work I was listening to Chris Stigall on CONSERVATIVE Talk Radio. He was talking about an article in the paper today where O wants people who are homeless for the first time to send in their story and then she will pick some appropriate people to be on her show. You have to be middle class, two parents, you know basically June and Ward Cleaver. One of the homeless shelters here is all upset because one workers says she has many first time homeless but they don't fit the pretty picture O wants. O thinks if she touts a perfect homeless family on her show it will make the rest of us relate to them more. Get real O, you just want to flaunt your riches and make us think you care, which we all know you don't.

So Chris says he wants his listeners to do something completely different, send in your good things that have happened to you in the past year, so here is my list: my niece graduated from High School and I got to attend, I went to Italy, my fav aunt came to visit last year, my racoon home invasion turned into a positive as it fixed some things wrong with my house, my parents are still both alive and healthy, i will retire in less than two years with a pension where I will be comfortable, I like my job, I found a new in person knitting group which I think will turn out to be a good thing, it is almost Spring.

What is on your list?

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