Monday, November 03, 2008

From A Friend

My opinion is Obama is not only inexperienced for the job (it takes more experience to become an assistant manager at MacDonalds), but there is too much in his background that seems to go against the grain of what America is all about. And his only argument about McCain that he continuously says in his attacks is McCain is a clone of Bush. So? It was Clinton's administration that has put us in this economic crisis.

The Clinton administration is the one that relieved so many of the regulations on banks and Wall Street that allowed for the creation of the sub-prime mortgage and giving mortgages to those that normally wouldn’t qualify. And then back all this up with Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac. Bush inherited this. Oh, I just remembered, Clinton, while the liberal press publicly stated that he was bankrupt when he left office, bought a 10.2 million dollar estate. Remember? Oh! He supports Obama and Obama says Bill Clinton will be his primary adviser in the White House. Wow! Wasn't Clinton under indictment for Whitewater? Except both the witnesses died in "accidents" before it came to trial? Wasn't Clinton impeached? Yeah, Obama, good adviser! What ass wipe would vote for that? Obama - a clone of Clinton. Monica, are you still available?

Think of this. Bush came into office and dealt with 9-11, wild fires in California and Florida, draughts in the Southwest, war, creating two new government agencies for security, restructuring current agencies because of 9-11, and new nuclear threats. There's probably more but I can’t remember everything - I'm an old bastard. I think he faired pretty well. But I guess the better thought is could anyone have done better? It is easy to say what he did wrong after the fact.

But his approval rating was high when he implemented everything. It dropped when the stock market slowed a couple of years ago. Now it is at its lowest since the stock market hit an all time low. Might it's just the rich bastards (and the liberal press) hate him because they are not as rich? They can't screw anyone anymore? Why not like him since oil is now at its lowest since Clinton's years. He was blamed for it going up - give him the credit for it coming down.

The office of president is not an affirmative action position. I see what affirmative action did to the government. But I can walk away from it. I can’t walk away from the US.

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