Monday, September 16, 2024

She Is In

 Yesterday morning I sat with Lila off and on while I was getting ready for church.  I read a post on FB that said something about I asked God for help and now I had to wait for his timing.  I felt I missed an opportunity to bring her in yesterday.  However my conscience said get to church you have all week.  Sure enough  I got her in this morning with some tuna. She sat at the storm door for a few minutes crying and then she started exploring the  house, ate some tuna, we snuggled and then she got up on the couch and sat on my lap making biscuits.  She is exploring and going to all the windows.  She has a room upstairs where she will stay until she gets fixed and has had her shots and then gradually gets introduced to my tom. They talk through the storm door all the time and have nose bopped but she will be in his house now.  Stay tuned.

Chunky Monkey is next. 

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