Friday, July 12, 2024

Exactly How I Feel


My cats live here, they’re here to stay.
You don’t like pets? Be on your way.
They grace my home, my food, my space.
This is their home, this is their place.
You will find fur on every chair,
They'll greet you with a curious stare.
They might approach and sniff your shoe,
A simple 'NO' will send them through.
It baffles me when you proclaim,
How can you live in such a way?
They scratch, they purr, they climb the walls.
WHO ASKED YOU? is what my mind calls.
They love me more than words can say,
Their purrs greet me at the end of the day.
They need just a glance from me,
And come to curl up on my knee.
When I’m down, they sense my blues,
When I’m joyous, they share my cues.
Their whiskers twitch, their eyes gleam bright,
They bring me comfort day and night.
So once again, I tell you true,
‘Come visit me,’ but know this too…
My cats live here, they’re here to stay.
You don’t like pets? Be on your way.
They grace my home, my food, my space,
This is their home, this is their place.

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