Friday, July 12, 2024

And So It Starts

 Yesterday I finally got the runt trapped.  Surgery is today and then the socializing/taming starts.  I know I will have my hands full trying to tame the 3 kittens but it will just take time.  The shelters are overflowing and I can not let them back out after being fixed.  I was only going to bring Lila in and adopt out the rest.  I still on planning to see if I can find the kittens homes, but I have a feeling I am going from 1 to 5 in a matter of a few days.  

Lila is such a sweet girl, she lets me pick her up and cuddle her like a baby, she follows me through the yard and if I am not right by her when she is on the porch she follows me and cries.  She is not spoiled.

My tom has been sitting at the front door talking to them.  Once they are in they will be separated from him for a while to socialize them and they will all be fixed along with shots then the slow introductions will start.  I hope it goes well but we are talking cats here.  

Stay tuned for the saga.

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