Wednesday, November 20, 2019

CFA I Apologize

I wondered when word came about CFA not supporting 2 Christian based organizations and dropped them like a hot potato.  I got caught up in the left trying to get me to divorce myself from my fav fast food restaurant.  So I apologize and will not be giving them up.  Here is the real truth.

Chick-fil-A made commitments to the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and to the Salvation Army in the past. Their giving model was multi-year commitments, which varied with each charitable organization. These terms were always communicated clearly to the recipients in writing. Again, I know this first hand. Such was the case with the 2 organizations mentioned above. CFA’s commitments to them have reached their term and are now over. CFA is in no way obligated to continue to give to any organization into perpetuity. So while you may be hearing that “Chick-fil-A “dropped” these organizations suddenly,” and then infer (quite wrongly) that it is due to a shift in values or capitulation to the LGBTQ mafia, that is simply not the case.
What’s changed is not CFA’s mission or values, but their giving strategy. Their express desire is to reevaluate their giving annually. They’ve stated that the $9million they’ve set aside in 2020 will go to youth education, combatting youth homeslessness, and fighting hunger. Ok. Doesn’t get my engine revving, but ok...not my call to make. I get to decide where the Satterfield family and Emmaus Road Church gives and where we focus. I don’t get to decide for CFA.
To some, it appears to be capitulation, and I understand that feeling. But know that it is merely a feeling - a suspicion, a misgiving, an impression. If you haven’t been in the top-level meetings, or heard first-hand from those who were that this whole thing is driven by the fear of the Left, then you have NO BUSINESS speculating to the detriment of a company that has only been faithful to Biblical principles for 73 years.

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