Thursday, May 09, 2019

Week 15 Repetitions Within the Domestic Life

Let's consider repetition in a gentle domestic life this week, so with that in mind share in the comments below (or in your own linked blog post) the challenges and delights you have found as a homemaker.

Sock Knitting,my favorite thing to do.  I can get lost in a pair of socks going round and round until they are done.  Once I start I don't want to quit until I get done. Sometimes life gets too hectic and I just sit down and cast on a new pair of socks. They calm me, they push the world away so I can re-center.  Perhaps there is a reason I have 2 tubs of sock yarn waiting for those days when I need them.  What color and what pattern will I choose.  I don't want mine symetrical, like my house I like to be a bit off center.   I will often place tables, kitchen island on an angle, just to shake things up.  

Taking care of the house and yard is repetitive so much so that I don't know that I really pay attention to what I am doing.  Many will tell you they think I knit socks in my sleep and I bet I can.  There is a certain peace to the rhythm of a clean house and all the laundry done and put away.  Cleaning out the flowerbeds week after week makes them look good for just a day, but I will be at it again next week.  I have come up with certain tasks each day so I get time to sit and work on those socks or any other craft I may want to work on.

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