Thursday, May 09, 2019

Week 14 A Patchwork Allotment

Does the abundance of nature around you inspire creativity?  In what way?  Have you visited somewhere in the world or even within your own city, that birthed a creative idea (such as Jane's Vilandry quilt) which you followed through on?  What was it?

The author talks about plots of land where mostly men plant gardens, the colors are all different in every plot. Kind of like flying across the country, when you get to the midwest you can see the different farmer's crops, the colors, the squares outlined by highways.  It is very pleaseing and calming to look at the land as you fly across it.

She took a quilt class from Kaffee Fassett.  I love his stuff. His colors speak to me, some are kind of gaudy but the brighter the better. I have a knitting book of his sweaters, and someday I need to make one.

She talks of knitting socks and going round and round.  Eventually you have a sock.  I think some of my weeks are like that, I continue to go round and round and think I am not getting anywhere but all of a sudden it comes to an end and I can move on to the next one.  Socks are my fav things to make, which reminds me, I best get busy on my niece's birthday socks. 

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