Saturday, October 20, 2018

Tajiri is NOT Moving

From Animal Adventure Park:  Tajiri was to move soon but looks like he will be staying put and getting a wife soon.

In the interest of maintaining honesty, integrity and transparency, Animal Adventure Park must announce that it has unexpectedly cancelled the transfer of Tajiri the Giraffe. Requirements and deadlines were not satisfied in the given time frame to make the scheduled transfer by the end of this month possible.
As we've long stated, it is not ideal for Tajiri to remain in the same proximity as his parents, which has prompted the park's owner and contractors to work and plan quickly. Construction will begin Monday to erect the appropriate building to house Tajiri and a possible second giraffe or companion animal, for the colder months, and exhibition in the future. This exhibit will absorb a large portion of the anticipated Wilds of Asia expansion slated for a 2019 opening, likely now delayed. The park anticipates this project will take three to four weeks to reach completion. This will allow a timely transfer to the new space, prior to extreme cold weather, and give April the Giraffe ample time to prepare for her expected calf in 2019.
This decision was made late Thursday after thorough consideration and consultation with park ownership, park veterinarian, and park regulatory agencies, who all unanimously agree that this is the proper course of action. The safety, security and welfare of our animals remains priority number one, and we feel it is best at this time, to keep Tajiri in place, at home, at Animal Adventure Park.