Saturday, October 20, 2018

D27 Came Home for a Visit

Raptor Resource Project
21 mins ·
It looks like D27 visited our banding station on Thursday! We got a call from station master Dave Kester about an eagle that nearly came into one of our nets. While it avoided capture, Sophia noticed it had a backpack and band! We determined it was a second year eagle based on plumage, since a third-year eagle would have had more salt and pepper (dark and pale feathers), and a first year eagle (assuming it was from some other study) would have been darker. At about the same time, Brett let us know that D27 had arrived back in Decorah! We weren't able to track her directly to the station, since her transmitter was in off-cycle when we saw her. But the coordinates we do have put her right in the area. Way to go, D27!
Thanks to Sophia Landis for the photo. She digiscoped it through one of the windows of the banding blind - not an easy feat! We hope to see D27 again.