Thursday, August 04, 2016

D20 Update, Isn't He Beautiful?

Thanks for sharing David Lynch!
David Lynch
16 hrs
✰✰✰ Raptor Resource Project - Decorah Bald Eagles: "Decorah", Ambassador In Training (AIT) with Saving Our Avian Resources (SOAR) of Dedham, Iowa...
"Decorah" was a fledgling from the Decorah Bald Eagles 2014 clutch. That year, the nestlings endured arctic cold, downpours, and a black fly population explosion, which we think may have driven the juveniles to fledge early.... Decorah, who we think was D20, spent his last 2 days in his nest standing in a puddle of rain water, until he made the leap from the nest. He was found in Trout Creek (located near his natal home) after suffering a collision with what we think was a heavy vehicle. Decorah fractured his humerus near his shoulder joint, and will never be able to fly again...
Decorah is now in training to become a very special (and famous) educational Bald Eagle under the care of my friend Kay Neumann at SOAR. This picture is from his visit to his hometown of Decorah for our (Raptor Resource Project) "After The Fledge" event, sitting in the shadows while enjoying a beam of sunlight.
2014 was a sad year, losing 2 of the 3 fledglings to electrocution. Hopefully, Decorah will have a full and long life, filled with teaching opportunities and plenty of fish!