Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Census Bureau

You are really beginning to piss me off big time. First I get a letter telling me the Census is coming, then I get the actual Census and now I get a postcard telling me I should have received it and I need to complete it and turn it back in.

First of all QUIT WASTING TAXPAYER MONEY! It asks me who lives in my residence on April 1, not being April 1 yet how can I turn it back in? What if someone moves in prior to April 1? What if I die? It seems stupid to me to answer the future when I am not a fortune teller.

Lets start with the pre Census letter. At the bottom there is a sentence that tells me to go to a website if I need help in english and 5 other languages. I recognize Spanish and I think probably Japanese/Chines and Vietnamese and I have no idea what the other languages are. This is America, we speak English, it is the official language, there is no need for any other language to be put on forms, my phone, etc.

Then the Census came with a half sheet blue letter. They say Census results are used to decide the number of representatives each state has in Congress. I know that is true, but I also believe they are looking to find areas where ACORN and SEIU can skew the next election cos we all know the Progressives have screwed over the Democrats. They try to make me feel sorry for the children, the elderly, and get my roads fixed and other local needs. My roads are in sorry shape from the harsh winter, I doubt me not completing the Census is gonna affect that. They also say the information is confidential. That ain't so, you can find the answer to every question on the form if you just know where to look.

They also say Federal law protects my privacy and keeps my answers confidential, again anyone can find this information if they know where to look, it is all over the internet. This information becomes public after 72 years. Why 72 years, is that when you expect most Census form completers will be dead and they won't know what you did with their information?

Now let's get to the Census. Why is there a bar code on my form? What kind of information is in that bar code? Why is the letter telling me about the Census come with half a dozen languages at the bottom but the Census only has English and Spanish?

It says to count the people living in the house, apartment, or mobile home. What if I live in a camp trailor, I dont own a home but I travel everywhere in my 5th wheel? Do I get counted or not? Why are they counting homeless people-they don't live in any of those choices? Again it is not APril 1 yet, how can I fill this out?

I am only answering question 1, you do not get my phone number because if you can't figure out how many people live here by my answer, you are really stupid and i won't answer the phone anyway. You don't need to know if i own or rent, again none of your business and you can look this up. You don't need to know my name, my sex, or birthdate, none of your business and it matters not in getting money for my area or getting representatives. If I have to tell you my race how come I don't have to tell you if I am a citizen or not?

I am sending my Census in today, I sure hope no one moves in or out before then.

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