Monday, August 10, 2009


What do we do with the prisoners there? Leave them there or better yet send them home. I don't feel we owe them a nice warm facility with satellite TV. I don't even have satellite TV.

One of the places being strongly looked at is Fort Leavenworth. Pat Roberys had 10 very good reasons why this is not a good idea:

1. Gitmo is an island facility which inherently limits external threats, Leavenworth is 30 minutes from KCI.

2. Security experts estimate Ft Leavenworth would need to acquire 2,000 privately owned acres of land by eminent domain to establish a stand-0ff zone around the barracks. How much time and money would that take?

3. A railway runs through the fort and a major river flows adjacent to it. KCI and local transportation would be restricted to military use when detainees need to be transported.

4. The barracks would have to be modified to hold prisoners it was not designed to secure. Support facilities such as hospitals, court rooms, etc would have to be built.

5. By law, military prisoners cannot be held with terrorists they fight on the battlefield. All 450 military offenders would have to be transferred, most likely to the Federal Bureau of Prisons facilities.

6. Since not all of the military offenders at the barracks have been discharged from the military, we could expect costly and lenghthy legal tactics to fight such a transfer.

7. Relocating military prisoners to a Fed Bureau Prison removes the ability of the military to fully carry out the Uniformed Code of Military Justice.

8. Military inmates are more disciplined and have a higher rehabilitation rate when serving time at Ft Leavenworth in comparison to general population prisoners.

9. Security in Leavenworth is beyond the protection of the Army, which forbids the military from taking on police roles outside the post. It would become impossible to fully secure the citizens of Leavenworth from outside threats.

10. The cost to the taxpayers to achieve the kind of security at Gitmo will cost millions. What happens when you have to take them off post for medical treatment, what kind of transport will be needed?

Just leave them at Gitmo, it is working sort of.

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