Wednesday, October 04, 2023

Happy October

 How did we get to October already?  That means this year is almost over. 

I spied a very large garter snake in the yard Sunday afternoon, I fear he lives under the shed.  He can stay as long as he does not enter the house, but if he does well then we will have to re-locate him if I can.  

I planted marigolds in this pot, they did well but the squirrels dug them up to plant walnuts in it.  However some of the seeds said we are not done and so I have this itty bitty bloom.

The mum I got from the neighbor boys has opened up it is yuge.  Kind of looks like a brain, huh, no gray matter here though.

The tomato plant is zooming up and blooming and producing tomatoes. It was a nice plant but more plant than tomatoes, but they were good.

And my black cat Licorice comes daily, more than once a day now and eating a lot, putting on that winter weight and coat.  I think he is just going to be a small cat.  I get about 10 feet from him right now and then he backs off.  It all takes time with ferals, some never let you pet them.  Little Bit hung around for many years but only the last month of his life he leaned against me one day let me pet and love him and then a few days later he was gone.  I knew his time was near cos he looked awful, his coat was a mess and he let me pet him.  He knows I loved him and took care of him but he just never trusted me enough to get close.  

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