Monday, March 22, 2021


 My favorite board game has always been Monopoly.  I have several versions and have been known at time to play by myself cos it can take forever to play one round.  I heard this morning they are snowflaking up the board game.  Seriously just stop this crap.  If you don't like it go find a board game that suits your idealogy.  Leave stuff alone.  There are many things I don't like but someone does and they have a right to have it for them and I just walk on by.  The left needs to learn to walk on by and go make their own stuff.  I for one still believe in the First Amendment but apparently they don't so they think I should have to live by their idealogy.  NO!  I will NOT conform.  I have a Monopoly game from the 60's and that is the one I am passing down to my kids and their family.

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