Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Dear Dad Decorah

Today I am going to allow myself to grieve your loss.  I have tried to have hope that you would be found but it appears it is not going to happen. It will be a week this evening we last saw you.  You filled the pantry that day and huddled with mom one last time to shield the babies from the snowstorm.  Did you know you were not going to see them again and spent one last moment with your beloved and the babies?
We know you chose mom after you lost your first wife.  You taught mom how to be a great mom and she is, just look at her take care of the babies.  I know she misses you greatly as she cries so much now as does the whole world who adores and loves you so much.  We miss you so much.
I imagine you are sitting in heaven with Bob Anderson watching over mom and your territory.  Did you choose this new male hanging around the nest. Did you tell mom you picked your replacement?  Is that why she does not seem too bothered by him getting close to the nest?
I hope when you passed you did not suffer too much.  So Goodbye Dad, we love you and always will.  To us you will always be Dad Decorah.  Soar the thermals with all your children who have gone before you.  You will forever be in our hearts.

One of my favorite pics is when Dad would sit on the Y Branch at N1 and survey his territory. 

You left
And forgot to tell my