Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Obama Phones

Just when you think you’ve heard it all,, our illustrious Congress quietly comes up with a new zinger to put their hands in your pockets, and pick them while you aren’t watching.

Isn't this just wonderful! I wonder if our Democrat-controlled Congress used its favorite phrase ("We have to pass the bill, to see what's in it") when it passed this gem of pork barrel legislation.

“Welfare recipients are now eligible to receive” what he described as (1) a FREE new cell phone, and (2) approximately 70 FREE minutes of air time every month. SafeLink Wireless is a government supported program that provides a free cell phone and airtime each month for income-eligible customers. In other words, your tax dollars are being distributed to a wireless phone provider to provide welfare recipients with free cell phones and airtime.

We are $14 Trillion in debt, Congress is balking at continuing unemployment payments to those who want to work, and Congress is increasing the dole-out to dead beats.

The ship of State is sinking, and it’s sinking fast. The old concept of getting ahead through hard work has flown out the window. It has been replaced by Obama’s and Congress’ idea of “Hope and Change.” The country has changed all right, changed to "Why should I work for it, when I can get it for free?"

You can click on the link below to confirm for yourself that the “Obama Phone” is real. Just have a barf bag ready.

You are Eligible if:

You already participate in other State or Federal assistance program such as Federal Public Housing Assistance, Food Stamps and Medicaid. OR
Your total household income is at or below 135% of the poverty guidelines set by your State and/or the Federal Government. AND
No one in your household currently receives Lifeline Service through another phone carrier.
You have a valid United States Postal Address. In order for us to ship you your free phone you must live at a residence that can receive mail from the US Post Office. Sorry, but P.O. Boxes cannot be accepted.

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