Thursday, April 22, 2010

Sweet Tax

So the state of Washington thinks by taxing soda, juice, and other drinks that have sugar in them that people won't drink them and lose weight. Yea right and people from Mars are green. Now the state of Kansas is about to pass the same tax. One cent for every teaspoon of sugar in a drink. Ok all that is going to do is make the people of Kansas drive to Missouri or Colorado or Oklahoma or some other state and buy their drinks there. Gas in Kansas is more expensive and they drive to another state to buy their gas too. Also they are going to up cigarette and alcohol tax. Honestly you can tax us to death but until you get the budgets under control and quit wasting taxpayer money all you are going to do is make this country one big 300 million welfare pot. Oh but wait that is what this administration wants, is for us all to be independent on the government. The tax is wrong whatever you do is not going to make people quit drinking their Dr Pepper or lose weight. Strange that none of those pennies will go to help the obesity in this country. So what are those pennies paying for?

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