Sunday, June 18, 2023

Happy Fathers Day Dad

 I somehow felt you sitting beside me in church holding my hand because our pastor is leaving next Sunday.  This has hit me pretty hard.  He came during the lockdown of COVID, I just lost you and I was stuck at home by myself with my thoughts of dealing with your loss.  Once we went back to church the pastors's sermons felt like they were written to me, during the week I would often go back to something said and dealt with some things.  I was ready to completely leave the church, one organized religion has gone way too far left for me, like they have forgotten what we are all about, and the previous pastor.  I found a purpose in going to church again, dropped some of the groups that were a grief for me and joined a couple that speak to what we are to do be doing as a church.  

Dad, I think you would have liked Tim  and his sermons. We could have discussed them during the week.  I know you will be with me next week as I face another loss in my life.  

Some days the pain is barely there and others it hurts my heart so bad that you are not here on earth any more. I know you are always there for me, I talk to you daily and I know you often reach your arms down and give me the much needed hug from you.  

Some day we can sit and discuss the world and I am looking forward to it. I love you and miss you.  

Thursday, June 01, 2023

June Already?

 This morning I noticed the bunny is back.  There have not been any ferals for over a year and I have a ton of clover so maybe they feel safe coming back to the yard.

My tom was up in the window where the mulberry tree was I figured he was bird watching, nope the little squirrel has found the ripe mulberries and is helping himself to it.  I best get out there and pick them so I have at least a few. 

The tomatoes are coming on, I sure hope the plant does not rot from too much rain. I could use some heat for them.  I love cherry tomatoes, they usually never make it into the house, cos warm tomatoes right off the vine, well there is nothing better.