Thursday, February 16, 2023

Happy Birthday Dad

 You would have been 99 today, all the things you have seen in your life. I know you had a goal of 104 (not sure why you picked that but pretty sure the dementia picked out a year out of the air).  I know grandma has baked a pineapple upside down cake and there will be chocolate and fried chicken.  All your siblings are there but one so it will be quite a day for you.

I am having chocolate in your honor today.  I know you have your long johns on today cos it is cold and snowy.  I wear your sweaters around the house cos it is like you are here giving me a hug on those days that are unbearable that you are not here.  I miss you so much but I know someday we can do your birthday together again.

Give my kitties a hug and have a wonderful birthday.  Love you.

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