I turn 65 today, how did I get here? I should not be this old, should I? It snuck up on me for sure. However there is nothing I can do but realize I start Medicare now and I am on the downhill third of my life, so I best make sure I use every minute to get all things done I want to. I was trying to come up with a post for today and one of my friends posted this on FB and I think it is perfect for today.
Thank you Lord for the rain this morning, it is much needed and a great birthday gift. I don't want to do anything today as it is the first birthday without my dad, so I will go visit him later and sit a while and talk and come home and just veg, clean off the DVR, go through some pics of my dad and I and knit. I don't care to celebrate just spend a quiet day at home remembering all the great birthdays before with my dad. There was always a package of fig newtons, maybe I will go to the store after visiting him and get some fig newtons.