Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Decorah Bald Eagles

I have finally got sucked into the miracle of life watching the eagles and their eaglets about to appear in the world. You can catch them at http://www.ustream.tv/decoraheagles. Not only are they majestic creatures and our national bird but watching them makes the crap in the world go away. There are three eggs and one of the eggs has been cracked so an eaglet will soon be here followed by the other two. You need to read below the streaming and see just how large this nest is 1367 pounds and this is the 4th winter it has been used. Mom and dad both sit on the eggs and keep them warm and safe. It is truly a beautiful thing to watch and knowing the whole world is watching makes it that more special. Go grab a cup of coffee and spend some time watching the miracle of life.

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