Thursday, December 06, 2007

How many times can you say--I had a really nice day at work?

For me that is a very big rareity. We had our Christmas Luncheon yesterday. Turkey, ham, side dishes, rolls, desserts enough to feed an army, we have about 30 out here in the bat cave. Everyone started cooking at 6:30, the kitchen was warm and cozy, we have a full kitchen out here with stove and dishwasher for our occassional parties. Everyone pitched in, we put the tree up and it was just a nice day, I was pooped but it was worth it. We even said prayer before we ate, while I was driving to work I thought we needed one and several people asked me before we ate if we could do it and many today have said thanks for having a prayer. I am sure I will continue to hear about it from the boss but I dont care, we need more prayer in this country, that is why we have so many crimes and delinquents.

So, on those rare occassions when you have a really nice day at work, remember to savor every moment of it and dont let anyone take it from you.

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