Wednesday, November 07, 2007

I'm In

I got my invite from Ravelry on Monday so I am NaomiKnitster after my grandmother who taught me to knit. I have almost a month off at Christmas and since my main project is to clean up my craft room I plan on filling in my pages.

If you not happened over to the Glove KAL page, Karen has a new fingerless glove pattern based o nthe gloves and a headband to match. I told her she needs snowflake socks for us now. She is Karendipity on Etsy, check out her gloves you will want to knit them.

It was breathtakingly beautiful out this morning on the way to work. It was just getting light out, it was very frosty on the ground, a little fog just laying over the cars and the city lights off to the right, almost made it worth getting up that early to drive to work. I tried to see the space station and shuttle but I saw nothing this morning, kept looking where they said on the news but I missed both of them.

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