I know you all have heard that Joann's is closing. I have to say I am not surprised, after lockdown they were never the same, no employees, items in the ad not on shelves and so many empty shelves. You could hardly get down some aisles for all the boxes sitting there waiting to be unpacked. I know the employees were doing the best they could but management seemed not to care.
I use Big Twist to make the prayer shawls at church. It is a nice cheap acrylic that has too much drape but washes well and is very soft. It takes about 3 skeins to make one shawl. I always went in during big sales and coupons and bought a cart full. I do like HL ILTY but it is only ever 30% off and was never as cheap as Big Twist.
Also we have a sewing group at church and they make menstrual pads for 3rd world countries, where will they get flannel now. What if I need wool for something or "fancy" fabric. Hobby Lobby carries mostly cotton and fleece. We do have a fabric store on the other side of the state line but that is 45 minutes away and I understand they are very pricey.
Joann's sales and coupons always made items cheaper than HL and I do not care for Michaels at all, never did really find anything there.
We all know online fabric and yarn are never true colors and you need to feel the items. This poses a large problem. Yes I buy yarn online from KnitPicks but I have shopped from them forever so I am aware of what their colors look like.
I would like to think there is someone out there who understands the dilemma we crafters have now and start something up. Also Joann's went to more and more non-craft items.
Black Friday was always fun cos when you were standing in line you always visited with others, hey can I have a yard of that when you get your cut, where did you find that, did you know about the QR code on the search line to show you prices, etc. The cut ladies always asked what you were making and there was just this bond that brought us together. There was never any fighting, pushing or other hateful things going on, just like people waiting to get home with their treasures they had just purchased.
I know the world is changing but there are millions of crafters out there who really depended on having Joann's. I do not think the Board cared enough or talked to the customers to understand what they just did.
In the end we will make do cos that is who we are, but it will not be the same.