Monday, January 06, 2020

You've Got Mail

I love this movie, yes it is cheesy but it makes me think and laugh and smile.  I am working on my Dodgers Christmas tree because I finally found Dodger blue ornaments. 

One scene Meg Ryan mentions a bouquet of sharpened pencils.  OH I know that feeling, I collect pencils, (my fav aunt gets me pencils all the time when she goes somewhere). I probably have over 500 and yes I use them. I love school supply weekend, and I rush to get mine, not that I need them but there is the excitement of new pencils, spiral notebooks.  A notebook is 70 double sides of a new adventure for only a quarter.  I use them to write out the rows of a pattern I am working on.  Then i have the notes if I ever want to make it again or someone needs some help on that particular pattern.  I have a notebook full of designs to work up someday. 

This movie has you look at life in a different way and that is what my dad did with his dementia.  He would sit in his chair, look at the birds and watch people come and go and make up stories about what they were doing. He would tell me about things that he witnessed during the day or thought he did and he looked at life in a whole nother way.  Watching the movie makes me realize dad lived in a world only he understood and was often too funny. 

I often just stare out the window to check on the birds and squirrels and see things I never saw before even though I have been here since 1996.  What did you see today in a different light. 

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