Monday, March 03, 2008

Idol, PMS, Oprah, Moon Marble and other trivial stuff

So I already forgot who got voted off, Alexandrea, Jason Yeager, Alaina, and Robbie I think, ok so none of them are that big of a loss if I cant even remember them. Jason was that slick hair kid in high school who made your flesh crawl. I felt bad for alaina, she was so upset when she lost, another reason why this no failure in kids today does not work. However, she finally pulled it together and sang her last song.

You have to go read this blog entry, I am sure you all have seen the commercial for Have a Happy Period, you really have to be kidding me. Obviously the guys who make these pads have never ever been around a woman in their entire life. Check it out and be prepared to laugh your backside off. http://wendi- aarons.blogspot. com/2007/ 03/as-seen- on-mcsweeneysnet .html

Do we really need another Oprah show, please someone make her go away. Who does she think she is anyway. I am so sick of her read this book, watch this show, vote for this person, go buy an island somewhere where you can boss people around who think you are all that and LEAVE ME ALONE. Arrogant racist b....

George Carlin has a new HBO special, Bad for ya. You got to love him, even at 70 he is sharp as a tack, does not care who he offends and is basically right. If you got HBO make sure you catch it, he talks about being sick of having someone tell you who your heroes are, see above for fat ass oprah, play dates for kids, self esteem and no failing, etc.

Moon marble is a cool plant, Friday I went to watch them make marbles, wow, these ain't the marbles I played with as a kid. Plus they also have all the cool toys I had when I was a kid. They apparently do a big tour, etc every year and so when it is not so crowded I want to go back and spend more time there.

It was in the 70's yesterday so I had to open the windows and let some fresh air in. Of course today we are paying as it is 26 right now. Oh the joys of winter.

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