Friday, January 10, 2025

There Will Be Math

 There is very little needed to yarn bomb.  You need yarn.  Some prefer wool but I think the only yarn to use is cheap acrylic, the cheaper the better cos it is probably older and you can not destroy it.  If you find a thrift store that sells yarn you can get it really cheap.  However remember you may need a lot depending on what you are doing.  I know we used several thousand yards creating the item for the Irish Market.  Dig through your stash, you know you have tons of little balls of leftovers.  I think worsted works best.  You do not want to use a thin yarn or you will be working on it forever. 

Hooks or needles, I prefer wood or Karbonz, much easier on my hands but use what you are comfortable.  Get different sizes cos we all know if the label says size 4 it is not always a size 4.  I once ordered yarn based on what the pattern called for which was worsted and when I got it it was more like sport.  Not a good thing.  Once again you can get hooks and needles at thrift stores, but be careful because a lot of them are the Boye medal needles and plastic hooks. If you can not work with these wait til places have them on sale.  Of course you probably have several in your stash.

You will need yarn needles to sew pieces together, make sure you get the metal ones, don't ask how many plastic ones I have snapped in half pulling through stitches.  

Tape measure. I told you there would be math. If you are doing a piece for a specific item you want it to fit so you will need to take measurements. You also need to get your gauge down, so you have to make a dreaded swatch or two. 

Lots of scratch paper.  I can not tell you how many pieces of paper we went through drawing up our plans, color coding, etc.  Colored pencils are needed if you want your colors to look good together or for creating charts.

First you need to know what you are "dressing."  Then take the measurements and start the planning and drawing.

The book talks about stealth knitting/crocheting and hanging the project.  People may ask you what you are making.  I don't agree with that. Tell people what you are doing, they may want to help knit/crochet or help you hang it or let people know so the work can be admired.  

If you have a basket of swatches and do not know what to do with them, use them in your yarn bomb.  

The book has several patterns in it.  There is a chapter on rectangle tags (they call the pieces tags).  The book is full of beautiful pictures showing what all you can do.

How about making flowers and planting them in a flower bed in the dead of winter?  How about wrapping trees in vibrant colors?  Wrap a fence post.  Wrap a bus stop bench.  

There are several interviews with yarn bomb groups.  You may run into police or security who will charge you with littering or graffiti and you will have to pay the ticket.  You may find people will steal or damage your work.  

It is a fun book. If you have every thought  of yarn bombing get the book there are tons of ideas, lots of help and just have fun.


Snow Matter What

 I finished my gnomes for the 2025 January GKAL. I did Snow Matter What which is a two-fer.  I decided since we got more snow overnight I would take my pictures in the snow.  The snowball fight is about to commence.  Yes there is an extra carrot in case the snow man loses his in all the snow.  

And you have to make snow angels right?

These were fun and I can see how they can be addictive, now where do I put them so inquiring little paws do not think I made new toys for them.

Thursday, January 09, 2025

Happy 16th Anniversary

 16 years ago 6 of us took a Top-Down Sweater class.  The yarn we used had part alpaca in it and I chose a gray/black color.  The class was 6 weeks long.  We did not finish our project so we decided to stay together and finish it.  We met at the different houses until it was completed. 

We wanted to stay in touch so we created the SSK knitting group.  (Sometimes Sunday Knitters)  We took on the February Lady Sweater as our next group project.  We then moved to meeting once a month, we were all still working and it gave us more time to get our "homework" done when doing a group project.

We have had people come and go from the group but today 3 of the original 6 still remain.  We meet once a month still on Sunday and often just sit and visit and catch up.  We have been through a lot together.  I love this group because we actually care about each other.  When it is our birthday month the birthday person picks a restaurant and we all go to lunch.  We often do field trips and other things.  Lately not much knitting has been getting done when we meet but that is ok cos we get to catch up and just hang out for a couple of hours.

Here's to at least 16 more.

Wednesday, January 08, 2025

Book 3: Yarn Bombing The Art of Crochet and Knit Graffiti

Yarn Bombing is really graffiti with yarn.  It is an unexpected piece of happy when you discover it.  It can be about anything the artist wants it to be.  While graffiti is illegal in a lot of places, is yarn bombing really illegal although it is a type of graffiti. The great thing about yarn bombing is you can remove it and it does not damage whatever it is covering.  

  Oh look there is a 10th anniversary book out.  How fun would it be to yarn bomb the bull?

 When my Irish Center knit group found out Browne's Irish Market, just down the street, had been the victim of a hate crime, we wanted to do something.  One of the group members had been at the River Market that weekend.  Someone had yarn bombed a bus stop and the bench and a bike.  The person who did this came and talked to us about doing a yarn bomb for the Irish Market.  (Sorry I can not remember her name).  After some brain storming we decided we could do this. 

We did try to recreate the Irish Market, Redemptorist Church, the VFW, and the Irish Center and then placed some houses in between.  

NPR came one day and did an extensive online story about it.  We were not quite done but laid out all the pieces:


 I found my post of April 1 2019 where my previous knit group hung our yarn bomb.  Browne's Irish Market about half a mile from the Irish Center was the victim of  a hate crime.  They have a fence that runs along the side of their property and so it was the perfect place to hang it.  After literally 9 months our "baby" was born and hung.  

One of the priests from the Redemptorist Church across the street came and blessed it.  We had news crews, NPR, and some of the Irish consulate was in town so they were there as well.  Needless to say it was a great day.  It hung til October 1 when it was replaced with over 100 hats for the homeless to take.

We were all surprised it was not damaged at all, not even one of the buttons was taken, we knew the angels were guarding our piece.  The whole purpose was to show support in the Irish community.  

I have always wanted to do another one, but my knit group said no.  I have thought about doing some in my yard.  Maybe I will think harder on this one.  


Monday, April 01, 2019

One of Those Days

Today was one of the best days of my life.  We hung the yarn bomb.  We had a priest bless the piece after it was hung and several of the businesses in the piece came as well as we hung it to be enjoyed by the community.  For those who don't know the background.  Last June Browne's Irish Market was the victim of a hate crime but it has turned into a love crime for all the love and support they have received.  We at the Irish Center wanted to do something to show some support and love and this is what we came up with.

It took us about 9 months from conception to completion, so the baby was born today.  It was a labor of love, wondering if we could do this, and some frustration along the way, but... it is done. 

Tuesday, January 07, 2025

The Rest of Crafting A Patterned Home

 We move to the Living Room and Library. Did I mention there are a few pictures of her cats in the book.  She starts out talking about how their house was built in 1751.  Can you imagine living there?  This chapter has a lot of patterns for making the pillows, and a painted table top. She talks about seeing needlepoint pillows and turning the pattern into a knitted one.  Did you know she worked for a yarn company and has many patterns out there?  

A lot of their furniture is 2nd hand, is there any better.  Older furniture is built so much better than the stuff today.  Like walls sometimes all you need to do is re-upholster and voila you have a new piece of furniture.  

How about creating your own wallpaper.  The wall in the library has quite the stenciling and painting.  Looking at it I have to wonder how she kept the colors from blurring into each other.  Reminds me of trying to polish my saddle oxfords - you can not get the black on the white and you can get the white on the black. I hated those shoes and as hard as I tried I could not destroy them.  While the paper itself is busy she also puts some framed pictures up which are busy as well.  But it works, the frames separate the wallpaper from the picture and breaks things up so you see the picture more than the wallpaper.  

The bedroom has these huge sunflowers painted in muted golds and greens.  It does make it look very cheery.  She has the cutest little door on one wall. I wonder what is there?  There are patterns for decorating a lampshade, a stool, more pillows ( I love the polka dot pillow on her bed), slipcovers, and even her closet doors are patterned.  

I imagine there is not a wall that is bare in her house as well as each piece of furniture covered in warm comfortable afghans and pillows that just invite you to lay down and take a nap.

Let's move outside. I remember she would post the beautiful sunflowers on her blog.  There were hundreds of them in all colors.  She has a pottery shed and garden shed.  I would love to have both but my HOA would have a cow.  Besides living in the city I am not sure how safe it would be.  I do have garter snakes that live under the shed and I sure would not want critters living in my craft/garden sheds.  

My favorite part of the book is about Maud Lewis.  Look her up.  Briefly Maud was a Canadian Folk Artist born with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.  She was in a lot of pain and could not do much.  Her mom taught her to paint and so she made Christmas cards and sold them. Her parents died and she lived with her aunt.  She met Everett Lewis and got married. They lived in a one room house and every inch of it was decorated in some pattern and color.  She continued her painting and sold them.  When they both died concerned citizens did not want the home destroyed so it is in the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia. 

The book is full of inspiration and patterns and how-tos to make your house more your own.  In the back are templates to help you get started.  I enjoy sitting and just looking at the pictures and getting ideas.  Maybe someday I will get brave enough to decorate some of my walls.  My library carries this book so go to the Library (get a card if you don't have one) and check it out. 

Monday, January 06, 2025

Come On People, It's January

 Why is it every year this time of year people freak out? It is so brutally cold and oh we have snow coming. It is January, we live in the Midwest and we always have 2 weeks in January where you want to pack a bag and go to the beach.

It started a week ago with the weather guessers telling us we were gonna have arctic air and snow and a blizzard and and and, ok it is January.

Saturday night started out with ice about 1/10" and then Sunday morning turned to snow.  When all was said and done we had about 11" at my house.  I filled the bird feeders 3 times yesterday. I did not see Licorice nor did I expect to and maybe not even today, he is hunkered down and when he feels it is ok he will come eat.

I live on a cul de sac of 4 houses and every time the city comes out to plow the snow they just make a big mess.  Well the guy really stepped in it last night, he blocked my neighbors in.  The neighbors had snow blown the driveways and of course he comes along and blocks everyone back in.  Then he just totally messed up the snow and made a mess where you really could not drive to get out.  I really wish they would leave us alone or get someone who knows how to take care of a cul de sac.

The deer were up last night in search of food, they like to hit the bird feeders but after a lot of that I have put the feeders up where they can not reach them.
See those ears that is a planter that is about 10" tall and the tracks are from all the birds.
That is my neighbors driveway, not sure his snow blower can break through that.
This is the ridges made in the cul de sac that we have to back into and over to get out. 

Crafting a Patterned Home: Kitchen and Dining Room

 The dining room has a lot of orange in it.  Picture in your mind a top part of the wall with large flowers, leaves and guineas with an orange background.  The bottom third of the wall is a green/orange plaid.  You would not think it would work but it does. The plaid is almost 3D.  As she talks in the first part of the book you have to keep trying things together until you like the look.  My house has a lot of color but no patterns except for the grain in the wood floors. I do have a patterned couch and my curtains all have patterns in them.  

This chapter shows you how to make tea towels, a tablecloth with lots of patterns and color, and napkins.  She has a couple pages on circles and dots.  Each plate has a different pattern against a cloth with circles of different colors.  She even has a pattern for a hexagon crocheted afghan that she keeps in the kitchen.  And yes she shows you how to make the plaid on the bottom of the dining room wall.  

And last but not least there is a pattern for making your own coasters.

I think the dining room  is one of my favorite walls with the guineas on it.

No I am not posting pictures you need to go find the book.  Like I said before I just like to sit down with this book when I am thinking of making something new for a room.  I find myself putting fabric together that I never would have before and I like it.  This book really makes you think outside the box.  I think this description on Amazon best describes the book:  

Jump into the world of pattern--get a crash course on the types of patterns and how they are made; learn how to gain inspiration and ideas from a variety of sources; explore ways of pairing different patterns together; and make patterns of your own to embellish your home. Kristin Nicholas takes us through her unique and dynamic farmhouse--and into her pottery studio and surrounding fields--and shares one-of-a-kind projects along the way. From a Geometric Striped Tablecloth for the kitchen to a Ceramic Tile Fireplace Surround in the library and a Printed Polka Dot Pillow for the bedroom, you'll discover both bold and subtle ways to add pattern to your home. Full of inspiration, and with bright photographs throughout, this is a vibrant guide to creating a home that sings with handmade touches.

Sunday, January 05, 2025

1 Year Lila Grey

 A year ago today it was a cold snowy January day just like today.  I looked out around dusk to see if Licorice was up for dinner.  I saw a small gray long hair and a large black long hair cat on the deck.  I immediately went and got food and put it out for them.  They saw me and took off.  I thought why would someone let their cats out when it is awful out.  The next night same thing.  I posted pictures on the HOA FB page and no one responded.  I often saw the small gray cat with Licorice as well.  It got to be almost every night I would see this little cat and I put food out even though it rain off as soon as it saw me.  Little did I know she was in heat.  In April for a couple of days I did not see her and figured I just missed her.  Then that one day in May she came up to eat and let me pet her.  The rest as you know is history.  

She has furred out as if she was going to be outside.  I keep telling her she does not need to put that huge winter coat on but you know cats they do not listen.

Little did I know that a year ago today my life would drastically change for the better.  Thank you God for bringing her to me so she could have a good life inside.  I imagine today she is glad she is inside.

Saturday, January 04, 2025

Book 2: Crafting a Patterned Home

 I love the way Kristin Nicholas kind of throws caution to the wind and puts colors together I would never have thought would work but they do.  I have some of her books and just love to look at the pictures.  This book is all about putting pattern in your home and making it work.

The books starts out talking about patterns, and all the different kinds out there.  Then she moves on to designing with the pattern you have chosen.  She talks about paint, printing and stamping, using fabric and creating your own pattern with fabric and thread, using yarn, and a tutorial on making napkins.  

She then has a chapter for each room of the house, a pottery shed and garden shed, and in the orchard under the pergola.  She does have a blog.  She also has knit patterns and yes there is lots of patterns and color.

Old blog:

Current blog:

Some of My Aprons

This is my January apron with snowmen. 
This apron I made from fat quarters. I love polka dots. But it does not have pockets.

This is one of my Halloween aprons.  It has pockets all across the bottom and is reversible to an orange back.
Of course I had to have one with coffee on it.
This is the first apron I made in the class that I made many from the pattern.  Kaffee Fassett fabric.
This is a bunch of my aprons but I love zinnias and there are oranges on the back.
My gingerbread men have pockets across the bottom.
I love poinsettias.  My fav Christmas apron.
My mom made me one with cats and sewing.
Kind of a fancy one with an elephant embroidered on the bib.
A fancy apron my mom made m.
My mom made me this Halloween apron.

My favorite saying from the book so far.  An apron doubles as a hand towel, never a tissue.

Thursday, January 02, 2025

Book 1: The Apron Book

 Today starts the Library Winter Reading Challenge.  The theme is Works of Art.  My first book is The Apron Book.  I love aprons, I have my very first one I made for a badge in Brownies and I have an apron that was crocheted by one of my mom's friends for her when she was in HS.  So that apron is approaching antique cos my mom will be 92 in March.  I do not think she ever used it and I have it hanging on my bathroom linen closet door.  

My mom and I took an apron class years ago and between us we probably made 100 of them not only for ourselves but also for gifts.  I have several in my closet and many are holiday ones.  If I am baking I always put one on cos you now flour and stuff fly through the air. If I am crafting I put one on as I am up and down from the basement getting stuff like thread, buttons, etc.  An apron MUST have pockets cos where else do you put your kleenex? I also prefer a whole body apron not just one that ties at the waist, cos you know flour flies through the air, the mixer slings food, etc. 

This book has quite the history and information about aprons through the years.  There is also a pattern in the back.  I will be writing more about the book as I read through it and post some of the more interesting aprons.

This is my mom's apron. I can see why she never work it. It is more of a party apron.

This is my apron I made when in Brownies for a sewing badge. 

Wednesday, January 01, 2025

Like I Need Another Project Part 2

 I have all the Imagined Landscape gnome patterns and book.  I was planning on starting them this year.  She has a knitting gnome coming out soon that I want to make for my knit group for Christmas.  I decided to take the plunge and jump in the KAL this year, make one gnome a month.  Since I decorate with snowmen for January I decided to start with Snow Matter What.  This one happens to have 2 pieces.  These are fun but very fiddly like making Barbie Doll clothes.  I am using a light and dark purple, and white.  So here goes, I will post pictures periodically.

Monday, December 30, 2024

Like I Need Another Project

 A friend of mine posted on FB a picture of a woman with a beautiful sort of granny square afghan she made.  She took the color of each book cover she read and make a square and sewed them together.

I love this idea.  However, I have read 123 books this year and that will be a lot of squares to make.  But it sounds like fun and I have so many little balls of yarn to do something with that I think I will do this.  If I take an evening after reading the book and make the square and attach as I go well I wonder what it will look like at the end of 2025.

How about you?  Up for a challenge?  I do have my first 5 books picked out as I am participating in the Library Winter Reading Challenge, so I may as well go find the yarn and start a new project bag.

The bad part of this project, weaving in all those ends.  Maybe I will just tie them off and then I know for sure where the back is, probably not though cos my grandmother would thump me from up there and I do not want to be thumped.